Saturday 26 November 2011

Response to "All the Troubles of the World"

  In the short story of "All the Troubles of teh World" by  by Isaac Asimov. A divine computer the Multivac can predict alomost anything from before. It has the power to run humens life. From my prespective its really hard to even imagine or believe that a stroy like this would've been excited. But as you know its a short story and its suppose to be fiction. As it even says in the title you can predict that this short story will be about one machine whom has all the power over the rest. And that was the case in this situation. The Multivac can observe the feelings and emtions of humens. In my prespective this is just a story, and its hard for me as a teenager living in the 21th century to even believe that a machine like this would of excisted 60 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the story is more of a prediction as it is set in the future. So, the question is if you can imagine a future where a computer would control everything like Multivac does. I enjoyed reading your responses to the short stories. I particularly liked your poem and thought the use of repetition was effective. Continue to write for clarity and keep on editing for mechanical errors
