I have been introduced to a few characters throughout my reading.
Still curious to see what will happen at the end. I was introduced to Katherine
Clifton, an English woman from Oxford. She is married to Geoffrey Clifton when she was young and travelled all around
Africa. She is the one that the English Patient was in love with. I can sense
that something might soon be disguised about their relationship. So, I’m having
an open mind set. With the kind of relationship that Katherine has with her
husband there is the potential for them to become really close. Her character
seems very mysterious. I really cannot predict what will happen but I can sense
something: D
Oh wow, hope you actually finished the book, cause the ending was quite interesting. I especially liked when Ondaatje used two perspectives to tell the story, one from Almasy and one from Katherine. I think he pulled it off because of his narrative style in the story. In most other stories, it would seem out of place, but in this one, the change of perspective fits perfectly.