Friday, 1 March 2013

Last but not least

  Finally, we are done with the book. Overall, I believe this book was fascinating and well composed. At first, I really didn’t enjoy reading however as I went further into the novel I enjoyed every moment of it. Michael Ondaatje has done a fabulous job in constructing its theme love all throughout the novel. From Hana’s love for Almasy, Almasy’s love for Katherine and Hana’s love for Kip they all shared the same concept of love however in different forms. I believe in our society sometimes we should step back and see what we are missing and passing away from. Time never comes back, its precious thus we have to use it wisely. Being a kind-hearted person inside and out will foremost make you feel better and worthy. It’s not about what you do for other it’s the time and effort you spend in caring for them, that’s important. We can never lie to our souls, guilt is my most fear and personally I can’t live a day with somebody being upset or mad at me. Moreover, I try my very best to be the best I possibly can yet I know perfect is hard to reach. This novel has taught me that love can be seen everywhere and among everyone. The feeling after you help somebody out can never be compared to anything in this world, its precious and it’s hard to put a price tag on. Thus, I will try to show pride and honour all throughout my life.